The Prelude: A-Not-Too-Shabby Boat Visit

The Prelude: A-Not-Too-Shabby Boat Visit.

Monte-Carlo, Monaco—The day of arrival to the city of bright lights and mega yachts was appropriately greeted with a very special invitation to a cocktail reception aboard 145 feet super-yacht masterpiece by the name of Bravelove One. (A quick side note for those of us that love sailing and boats: the Bravelove One has 4 levels, offers accommodation for up to 10 guests in 5 staterooms and can easily cross the Atlantic in a week's time). 

The Prelude: A-Not-Too-Shabby Boat Visit.

As we "crossed the Rubicon" and ascended the shrine, we couldn't help but notice some of Andy Warhol's notable originals adorning the yacht's interior, along with other serious artwork which made the entire place feel like a mini-MoMA. 

The Prelude: A-Not-Too-Shabby Boat Visit.

After a quick tour of the super-yacht's museum-like rooms, filled with original paintings, sculptures, glass work and what not, we finally made it to the top deck just in time to appreciate the stunning views of Port Hercules. The sun was slowly setting over Monaco's beautiful hills and we enjoyed fine bubbles served with different mousse-like hors d'oeuvres that resembled astronaut food, as if it was delivered from another planet just in time for this intimate gathering. As we were getting comfortable and a bit buzzed, our lovely hostess made an announcement that it was finally time to head to the Yacht Club for official dinner. And that's when we realized that our plans to beat the jet lag and catch up on sleep were completely futile, as no one here starts dinner earlier than 8 o'clock and ends it before midnight. Welcome to Monaco, baby! :) Written by Maria Soldier.

Special thanks to Gary Pudney & Judith Laurence. WE ❤️YOU! 

The Prelude: A-Not-Too-Shabby Boat Visit.

Dinner at Monaco Yacht Club, from left to right: double Oscar and Grammy Award winner Leslie Bricusse & his wife Evie Bricusse, Producer, Creative Director & Actor Tom Claeren, legendary Hollywood Producer Gary L. Pudney, General Secretary and Human resources Manager at Societe des Bains de Mer et du Cercle des Etrangers a Monaco Agnes Puons, Nina Stevens, CEO of Monte-Carlo Television Festival Laurent Puons, President of Lapolita Productions Judith Laurence, Helcius Pitanguy, Executive Director of Alex Soldier Maria Soldier. Photo by Claudia G. Albuquerque. Jewelry: Alex Soldier

The Prelude: A-Not-Too-Shabby Boat Visit.

Dinner at Monaco Yacht Club, from left to right: double Oscar and Grammy Award winner Leslie Bricusse & his wife Evie Bricusse, Producer, Creative Director & Actor Tom Claeren, legendary Hollywood Producer Gary L. Pudney, General Secretary and Human resources Manager at Societe des Bains de Mer et du Cercle des Etrangers a Monaco Agnes Puons, Nina Stevens, CEO of Monte-Carlo Television Festival Laurent Puons, President of Lapolita Productions Judith Laurence, Helcius Pitanguy, Executive Director of Alex Soldier Maria Soldier. Photo by Claudia G. Albuquerque. Jewelry: Alex Soldier


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